Because we have guns and we're not afraid to use them
Ramblings of
Alex Lovett


Up a Level - error_log - Experiments - Store


Unity5 - Reality_2.0 - Math_Art - Lilly - Drawing - GameDesign - Inspiration - XFactor - Valideus - Food - WheelReview - GKN - Lumen - WishList - RoundTree - Painting_with_Light - House - Website - Fridge
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While a dead end due to technical limitations amongst other things, I enjoyed exploring the visual style of what I cam to call 'Lumen'

Here are some of the explorations

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Ok it is apparent writing to this journal of randomness is not something I do often enough, in fact add that to the long list of things I don't do enough

Exercise, Travel, Work etc etc

And all the things I haven't done, checked off, got round to reading, watching, listening to and playing

Vast, easily 1000's of times greater than the usable years in a single life

Life very much is becoming more apparently stream like, where you dip in, versus a list of things you check off and 'achieve'

Still this realization helps me little, either in figuring out what I am to do tomorrow, or the equally bewildering question of what on earth it was I even did yesterday

Ah but how the last 12 months have been fun, so so fun


LetterPress = TimeVampire

Igloo is no more

Aww my moms diet dinner on the right... very sad:

Sadness ensued:

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Tags: - Photoshop - Rant - Apple
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looks like ebay changed It's logo
its not often companies are this bold



They say it 'reflects a dynamic future' whatever the fuck that means

it feels so boutique now
creative use of color again also, reminds me of past masters in logo design:

And MSFTS 'new' logo, inspired:

It's like a terribly boring conspiracy, the year of the ANTI logo

I still love how deftly MSFT joined the f and the t, it really changes it from just a bunch of letters taken directly from a boring font, and turns it into a work of art, week labouring over the exact shade of grey to infuse the type with.

At least google has a good excuse for having a shit logo, it was free


Lol looks like I'm not alone in making this granted rather obvious connection:

*starts to hyperventilate* *breaks glass and takes an emergency look at the one true logo, one to rule them all*

Yah I'm a fan boi, what evs

Here are some other logo's getter better:

And best logo ever:

What did you see, I saw a temple in front of a big red sun....

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Tags: - Games - Unity
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It is always darkest, just before it goes pitch black, so only shadows comfort me

Got Unity tracing to in ANSI Color, and with stack tracing if needed wool

And Syntax colour for MonoDevelop, bit pink but what the hell, based on Xcode but Dark

Finally Photoshop has a Dark UI! Rejoyce!

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Tags: - Photoshop - Rant - Games
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This is a Logo I recently designed for my new company... which will just be me.. for now


And of course by company I mean I thought up a name and made a logo nothing official yet

I have been tossing around various concepts for games for ages now, along with learning real programming languages for the first time unless you count Flash AS3 which is close really.

I didn't mean to design a logo before I even have a game or even a wireframe of a game, but one thing lead to another and out it popped one day.

I guess I have just been so utterly bored of writing code (AS3 with this Topps Tiles job) and studying the manuals of Unity 3D and C Sharp without having produced anything tangible or visual in forever.

I am swinging between incredibly apprehensive and eager to start making games by myself. I just know It's going to turn out to be way more difficult and wrought with disaster that I expect, and I already expect it to be the toughest thing I have ever done. I think I have a relatively unique edge over most people though, it been a long time coming; things have guided me down this path for my whole life I feel, it is my destiny!

I would really love to work with a small team of people instead of it just being me, but to start off it really has to be just me. If it works out, if at some point I prove I have got the taste, the broad skills to pull it off even on a small scale.. then I can start thinking about investing in people to work with.

Right now It's early days, a delicate and fragile thought that could poof out of existence unless carefully nurtured and then fiercely executed.

I have learned a tremendous amount of skills especially over past few years that go nicely towards this, sadly not much in the way of physical evidence to show for it, but It's in my head all right.

If I can just nail execution, and work hard, I can do it

And if I can just stop thinking about how incredibly over saturated the market is and how I could just as easily make $100,000 as I could drift off in the wind and make nothing...


And that's even if I can pull my shit together and execute 50 hour work weeks for 6 months and not implode, creating your own deadlines and sticking to them is tricky stuff. Creating your own inertia with no guarantee of payoff.

Ok heres the various historical progress / messing about:

Link: --- Y2011-Mo11-RoundTree

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