Live to the point of tears
Ramblings of
Alex Lovett


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Got my shiny new Harddrive! woop

320gb (300 after formatting boo to that)

no more scrounging for space, however I\'m not going to use it for anything important for a month or so, as if a drive fails it fails in It's first few weeks of life if ever. I'll have to exercise the same caution when I get my new Mac Pro (whenever Apple refresh the line)

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Tags: - C4D - Vray
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I've composed the background render with the previous render of the flowers, so the lighting won't match up and it won't have and shadows, but just to see what it would look like
I'm not liking it at the moment, I\'m hoping that's just because the foreground lighting does'nt gell with the background, but I think I\'m going to have to rethink this.

I think it requires many more vines for it to work, not just 1 spindley one, and I don't think my computer can handle it in a reasonable time frame

Ugh can't get leaves/flowers to look any good

They look all plasticy

This is a bit better

13 Minutes

I may have forgotten to turn on the SKY before rendering this, but all is good it only took 30 minutes


Now ill be able to compare both the aesthetic improvement and the detriment caused to render time by the HDR lighting

I think I\'m going to remove the whole bottom vine, where It's framing the bottom of the image. It's obstructing too much and it looks like shit cus of the low poly count, I could make it higher poly

Took 35 Minutes, so the HDR sky did'nt add much to the render time at all. I've got some odd black leaves now, and the red vines don't go too well, just makes a big red fuzzy mess.

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Tags: - C4D - Vray
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Getting a bit more abstract now with my flowery visions *shrugs*

It needs some kind of backdrop my first thoughts are putting it inside some tunnel like hole that surrounds the swirly path of the vine

I draw by hand a path around the shape of the vine and Lathe it to form the following dirty hole:

Subpoly displacement is awesome! (and slow)

Add some specular and moss grass type thing, as mud surrounding flowers isn't particularly cute

I've created some breaks in the outerwall to let light in and make it more interesting

A lighting test with displacement turned off, trying to position a sun type light to cast a shadow + strong burnt out glow on the grassy side, the logic being moss/grass would grow in the sun lit areas and not in the dark shaded part.

Tweaked the lighting by changing the environment map to a sunset type HDR and changing It's hue. Also changed the sun light to an area light so it casts a softer shadow. The HDR is flooding light in at a horizontal angle now which is lighting up the hole on the right, which is something I wanted. The GI Quality is here is lowest hence the weird blue dots on the left.

1 hour 20 in on lowest GI!!

This is with the Displacement on and It's killing the render times when in combination with GI, I don't even want to think how slow it will be with the vine/leaves turned on. And to think, I was planning on adding hairs to the moss to make it grassy... forget that! my computer will esplode!

I think I have rather incorrect GI settings, for use with sub-poly displacement.. I have some ideas! (reads manual)

3 hours 25 in..... definitely need some optimizations

render with GI = 10 minutes, render with Displacement = 10 minutes, render with Displacement and GI = infinity

Would help if the manual for this was both complete and not in engrish:

"This will result inpoorer results of course but nrings speed advantages. Specially for
previews you can turm of the seondary engine, or if you have scenes that not at all
use any glossy effects."

ah well that's beta software for you.

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Tags: - C4D - Vray
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Does it make me a bad, perhaps egotistical person to link to my own website for inspiration... sure it does! *does it anyway*

Link: --- Y2007-Mo10-Lilly

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Tags: - C4D - Vray
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Just messing with XFrog for Cinema, I did'nt make this flower, just been playing with It's materials to get it to render with vray and not look like crap.
Getting annoyed at Cinema for crashing when using large .exr's and having poor alpha mask support regarding straight alphas

It's a bit of a basic model to get this up close to, but I\'m just here to test SSS and backlit surfaces, and have concluded that nothing can do it properly, at least nothing I have.

Same Image + some postwork in Photoshop
im not wasting any more time on flowers


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Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results -- Einstein
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