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I've been shopping around for 24" LCD's

first of all Apples is clearly the best in terms of looks, and is a pretty darn good display also with one of the best REAL viewing angles

but it has no inputs, so I could'nt use it with my PS3 or Xbox 360... aand It's now a lot more expensive aaand It's not 24" It's 23"

So whats the next best thing.... a Dell??? surely not!

It's been a toss up between a BENQ with It's slightly gay stand and a DELL with It's slightly less gay stand

I can't imagine why It's so difficult for them all to design none crappy stands, but only Apple has a good stand:

I mean what's so hard, a bit of curved metal... simple, elegant, no no, lets make some large piece of curvy plastic, that'll be nice.... *shakes head*

The Apple display is just so sexy in comparison it makes me want to cry.

It's been a nightmare finding out how good/bad the monitors really are with the differing inputs

problems such as wrong letterboxing, flickering, blockyness, plain not working, bad contrast/color, wrong overscanning, no support for 1080, no support for HDCP at 1080 all plague the display depending on if the input is over VGA, DVI, HDMI, Component or Composite, and then differ again depending on if the material is 720p or 1080p or 1080i

any then some of those things differ between models and revisions of those models, of which there are at least 6 alone for the Dell 24"

so in the end, I've given up trying to find out if they work.. none of them do it all properly and may even have huge gaping omissions when it comes to advertised features even working. It really is easier to just buy all of them, and return the ones you don't like. Forget trying to figure it out in reviews.

I at least appreciate why now the Apple display doesn't have all these other inputs, it keeps it simple, and it does what it does very well, people with enough money will simply buy a huge HDTV instead of trying to jam it all onto a computer display, as I would too if I had such funds


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I've been desperately searching for a way to get fast disk access speeds and have discovered many things.

1. RAID-0 means twice as likely to loose data/whole drive

2. RAID-0 isn't even that fast in realworld situations really only improving sustained continuous file read/writing such as duplicating a large video file, which barely makes up for the double chance of data loss

3. High RPM drives are not only very expensive but not very fast either, it will improve seek time but once It's found the data it won't get to you any faster really, only 10-20% faster for 10x the cost

The only solution providing any kind of tangible speed increase is moving to solid state memory which costs uhm... if you have to ask you can't afford it.

£1134 for 128gb

so forget it for another 5 to 10 years

64gb = £567

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Tags: - C4D - Maxwell - Realflow
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Dunno who to blame for glitches, I have weird glitches across ALL applications lately, maybe my GPU is dying

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Cool small car!

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Tags: - C4D - Vray
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Just got VRay for Cinema 4D

VRay: 4 Minutes | C4D: 1 minute 28

VRay: 44 Minutes

3 Minutes in, looks like a load of crap in prepass but hey It's only been 3 minutes and that's a 3 zillion polygon model

7 Minutes Total


+ some post, depending on how bright your display is, one of these will look right hopefully


VRay: 50m (My Dads Model)

Made the gold too yellowy

3m 28s (Not my Model or Scene)

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