Pretend to be completely in control and people will assume that you are -- Steve Jobs
Ramblings of
Alex Lovett


Up a Level - error_log - Experiments - Store


Unity5 - Reality_2.0 - Math_Art - Lilly - Drawing - GameDesign - Inspiration - XFactor - Valideus - Food - WheelReview - GKN - Lumen - WishList - RoundTree - Painting_with_Light - House - Website - Fridge
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Finally got round to adding Alpha mask support to this thing. Hurrah

So now I can confidentially attach giant alpha masked images for no reason!

Terminal Command:
find / -name '*.icns' -exec mdimport '{' ;

Will import all Leopard icon files like the above, into spotlight, how useful!

Trying to find a way to create 512x folder icons, so far the only way that works is IconComposer, all other methods are broken/buggy

I've made a template in Photoshop with an action, that exports all the different sizes of an icon for you. As it does actually use different icons for the folder at each size to make sure it draws and reads properly at the respective sizes.

Just thought id waste even more time and hack my user account icon to have nice alpha masked background, harder than you may think:

And almost as hard is how to take a screenshot of the loginwindow


Goodies here:

/System/Library/CoreServices/MenuExtras/ -switchToUser ID 0

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New Little Snitch is out and It's much better:

Can finally snoop on where my net is going in and out

What have I been doing... well the list is long

So many things missing I don't know where to start...

In no particular order:

New iMacs came out, then a new iPod Touch came out:

New shiny keyboards:

I got an xbox 360 and got addicted to DiRT::

I got a force feedback wheel:

I got a new modem:

I went to Valencia in Spain for 3 weeks:

I installed the latest build of Leopard

I reinstalled the latest build of leopard

I reinstalled the latest build of leopard

I stopped MESSING with leopard, so hopefully no more reinstalling


I didn't like the Leopard dock so I hacked it:

I accidentally deleted all my emails (well the last 2 months worth), but they all go thru gmail now, so I re-recieved them, and all is well.

I've changed the Leopard desktop background to several flavors that change throughout the day

I've been compiling a list of all the films I think you should see before you die, this is it so far:

And yes some of those are highly suspect, but essential none the less.

Link: --- &m=100000&ts=160

They are sorted by IMDB rating

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I've got hold of a big shiny metal ball (from a garden centre) and have been playing at creating my own panoramic HDRI's

From this:

To this:

To this:

Below are 3 different exposures of a room, that when passed though special algorithms can produce the larger image, which is meant to be more evenly exposed revealing the dark room and the bright outside despite there drastic difference in real brightness.

The blurriness is because I took this without a tripod, It's just a quick 5 minute test.

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Trying to do things, softwate just does'nt want me to do
i keep getting stuck and thinking of new things, but they end up not being possible either
frustrating !

best solution so far involves throwing aroun $10000 at it and capturing a team of programming monkeys to make specialized tools

well right now I\'m trying to explore the arena of Math Art, Particle/Fluid/Smoke/Firey lorenz attractors/4D fractals/Paramtetric Math Knots
but uhm, applications are not being helpfull

Cinema has a bug, well It's just bad by design, in that it can't handle lots of seperate objects
i can have a 180,000 polygon object on screen easily, but I can only get around 2000 1 polygon objects before it dies
CInema also does'nt render alpha masks properly, they are not pre-multiplied/straight alpha'd properly
its subtle but problematic

zbrush cannot paint in the luminance channel making it really boring
and useless for creating objects like a piece of glowing burnt wood ambers

after effects plugins like lux and others get 3D input in the form of lights, but after effects can only handle a few thousands before looking sad
and realflow (which I\'m stuck to version 3 as I can't get 4 without paying huge sums of money) is horrible to use

and I think only 4 does what I need anywhooo
so I thought instead of trying to do something interesting id just copy everyone else and make vector style art from tracing photos and make it loook all retro

thats popular still right? or... isometric pixel art?

oh oh I know!!! make a bunch of squiggles with Trapcode 3D Stroke, and like.. make em move around and glow and stuff!

on with the creationisms, fun to be had! (within serious program limitations of course)

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Finally!! 10 years I've been waiting

So now I just have to wait for it to be released.. some years later
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And though you're far away from me; I know in darkness I will find you giving up inside like me -- VNV
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( HD6 / HeliosDoubleSix )
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