It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes
Ramblings of
Alex Lovett


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I'm looking to buy a blender (upgrading from my current 500w Kenwood)

I'm not crazy about how this thing looks, It's niiiice and all but It's just weee-ord like some kind of sinister looking robot, that's had It's limbs removed against It's will, left futilely and angrily to grind on unfortunate bits of fruit and ice that stray into It's vicinity... or maybe I've had too much fruit lately.

I've only had my current blender (my first) for a short time but It's just so damn noisy and the selling point of this one (based on peer reviews) other than the higher watt is that It's allegedly quieter, which at 3x the price id hope is true!

Also it doesn't have a tap unlike my current one, taps are truly annoying in the sense of they MUST be cleaned and other awkwardness, never mind the fact they are useless with anything but juice.

Well I can say one thing for sure and that it doesn't look anything like any other blender I've seen, time will tell if that's a good thing or not!

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Tags: - C4D - AfterEffects
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Not my idea, but a Client wants a X-factor style award sequence, and when I say 'style' I mean parody of, started around the 2nd of December

Short Award Sequence

Full Intro Sequence:

And here are some stills from the final:

And some Work in progress shots below:

With the help of some NASA Blue Marble images, I\'m creating the Earth

Some older stills:

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Tags: - C4D - AfterEffects
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Woo Finally finished this animation

Project progress here:

Link: --- Y2006-Mo12-XFactor

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29 hours away woo

And It's begun!

*Eats hat*

uhm... damn, did'nt see this coming for at least 3 more years....

OSX on a phone *dies*


Many devices have comparable features, but none come close to the awe factor of the iPhone, while it has many pitfalls (tied to Cingular, $$$, mediocre camera, no voip, Apple made apps only no third party!!! etc) I think It's a tremendous starting point into a diverse and vast market.

Much like the first iPod (was Mac only) this will only appeal to a small number of people, the upper 1% if you will

No doubt like only Apple can, it will re-itterate the iPhone in years to come and make this first model look as relatively lame as the first iPod now looks today.

I lookforward to see how this develops into a device for everyone! Welldone Apple for making another previously mundane market exciting!

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Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring -- Marilyn Monroe
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