Living is hard, It's taken years off of my life
Ramblings of
Alex Lovett


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Just spent all day fixing and improving this Blog *shudder* I really gotta think of a better thing to call it.

Now it has super magical powers

You can go backwards and forwards viewing 7 days at a time which means it will no longer be a gigantic 300 pages 100mb page.. damn ill miss that.

This is something it should have had from the start, but I couldn't figure out how to go about parsing XML by date and then spitting it back out, but I figured it out at last after applying myself and giving up on finding a ready made solution someone had already done.

It's rounding up nicely now, It's very very usable apart from 1 thing really
If you go back 7 days and there's nothing there it laughs at you and shows you nothing. So I need to make the buttons smarter so they indicate and go back the required distance in days to reach the next available entry. And right now I'm too tired to tackle that.

Also I've decided it will not publish the current weeks blog till the week is over thus avoiding constant changes and updates.


I'm having huge problems parsing XML still which is preventing me from making it awesome, so if something sucks, blame PHP poor default XML handling

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Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear -- Edgar Allan Poe
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Site and content designed, built and massaged by
Alex Lovett
( HD6 / HeliosDoubleSix )
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