Better than Cocaine
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Alex Lovett


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Finally got round to adding Alpha mask support to this thing. Hurrah

So now I can confidentially attach giant alpha masked images for no reason!

Terminal Command:
find / -name '*.icns' -exec mdimport '{' ;

Will import all Leopard icon files like the above, into spotlight, how useful!

Trying to find a way to create 512x folder icons, so far the only way that works is IconComposer, all other methods are broken/buggy

I've made a template in Photoshop with an action, that exports all the different sizes of an icon for you. As it does actually use different icons for the folder at each size to make sure it draws and reads properly at the respective sizes.

Just thought id waste even more time and hack my user account icon to have nice alpha masked background, harder than you may think:

And almost as hard is how to take a screenshot of the loginwindow


Goodies here:

/System/Library/CoreServices/MenuExtras/ -switchToUser ID 0

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You just have to embrace and accept the parts of you and your existence beyond your control even if they are socially abhorrent and especially if they are illegal, to live afraid and constrained by the law of others is not to live at all; but to exist like an insect part of the swarm -- Me
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Site and content designed, built and massaged by
Alex Lovett
( HD6 / HeliosDoubleSix )
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