The first time I see a jogger smiling, I'll consider it
Ramblings of
Alex Lovett



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Tags: - C4D - Vray
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Just been re-doing a one of my dad's renders. He's good at modeling but rubbish when it comes to materials/rendering etc

My Dad's:

And mine:

Tweaked a few things, moved the cloth about to make it fit the violin better/closer

Some photoshop post work, the usual vignettes, subtle colorization and a central highlight

It still needs some work, but this is totally presentable, I'll keep it on back burner to go back and improve the blue material to be more interesting and photographic like the reference photos here:

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Tags: - C4D - Vray
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Looking to do realtime 3D, there's nothing really on the web that can do it.. well, but I'm sure tat will change in about 100 years....

I have found this:


Which is realtime-ish rendering with GIand all that jazz
And It's available to try for free.. for Mac too!

And now AutoDesk have some new interactive distributed realtime-ish rendering thing on It's way, difference being it can be tapped into via web browser, but that's only for like 1 person at a time access, not for a public website.


Looks like I can finally bake GI with Cinema4D R11
Though your forced to use the rather brute force QMC method, which is great quality at the expense of speed, below is a realtime example of it rendered in the editor. Naturally any surface you want baked will have to be uvmapped.

Unfortunately I only have the demo of R11 and thus bakes are not saved, making it useless, so I thought id at least have a go with it in R10 with It's inferior and very slow GI and got the following results:

And that's in realtime viewport above, bonus is if you select all the bake tags at once (as you must have one for each object) you can bake them all in one go and leave it overnight. Downside is... it will take all night


the above took about an hour. R11 promises to be much faster *fingers crossed*

Hopefully one day we'll have baking from Vray, it has been talked about, but could be a long long time away.

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Tags: - Flash - Interactive
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Ok fixed some bugs in my website and now It's HD! ooh fancy buzzword

It now (based on the size you run it at) will load appropriately sized images all the way up to stupidly large

It was designed with this in mind from the start but I only just got round to it


and computers are only now fast enough


And now just fixed a bunch of other stuff, thumbnails are now hidden when looking at fullsize images, this speeds it up a deal and makes it look better.

You used to be able to load multiple images at once (on purpose) but I just noticed this causes huge bugs so I've disabled it, it wasn't particularly useful anyway as images load so fast.

And finally added load progress for the alternate images, that fade in/out as you drag from left to right *phew*

Lots of fixes and tweaks, It's shaping up pretty good!


The code in places is... awful and spaghetti like sadly and I've thought about porting it from AS2 to AS3 but it would be easier to start again, much much easier, and I'm not doing that!

My todo list for it is still pretty long also :-S

I also have at least 30 Pieces of work flagged for bringing upto date or finishing, I'm going to be busy!

And it looks great in fullscreen now displaying full res 1900x1200 images

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