I came here to kickass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all outta gum
Ramblings of
Alex Lovett


Up a Level - error_log - Experiments - Store


Unity5 - Reality_2.0 - Math_Art - Lilly - Drawing - GameDesign - Inspiration - XFactor - Valideus - Food - WheelReview - GKN - Lumen - WishList - RoundTree - Painting_with_Light - House - Website - Fridge



Tags: - Funny - Misc
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Note to self, don't sun self in garden then fall up some steps with phone in hand:

On the Plus side new 30"


woo go team me!


On the down side I have the wrong display connector lead so I get to enjoy all of 50% of my new monitor


My 'Command Center' while I was waiting for the 30" to arrive, Thought I'd try Portrait and enjoyed it a lot for coding... what a huge nerd I have become

Though I still got nothing on this guy:

And he's got nothing on this guy:

And here is a horse enjoying a helicopter ride in McGuyver:

Possibly the greatest thing I have ever witnessed on tv is McGuyver escaping on horse back and being air lifted mid stride

And while I'm in a random mood been watching StarTrek TNG from scratch as they re-released in HD:

And turns out my style choices or lack thereof have led me to become a perfect imitation of Inspector gadget


One has to be able to take the piss out of ones self *sips tea*

Great sadness, I dropped my bake well *sobs*

My Kitty likes the smell of Brioche it would seem, silly Sasha:

Also some truths

And screw the person who invented Menu Bar Icons and didn't set up a governing body to regulate it:

And why.. why so many tabs, what is wrong with me:

And lastly I made this graph of relative time scales, each pixels was something like 1000 years If I remember right. So for example you can see Fish and Plants in total have been around 4x longer than dinosaurs, and that the entire transformation it took from Lemurs to Modern Human beings was similar to the amount of time Dinosaurs evolved and were alive for entirely. And that for a huge chunk of time we just had single cell life, but that single cell life sprang up relatively quickly and it took AGES to get to multi cell, but once it had... everything got started then


Your entire life and that of everyone you have ever known is also on that graph, It's an invisible smudge too small for the naked eye to see though, like a mustard burp, momentarily tangy and then forgotten in the air

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You must see these awesome birds!

Link: www.youtube.com

And the Lyre Bird that audibly impersonates... anything:

Link: www.youtube.com

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House with a View

Link: phottle.com --- houses-with-view

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Bit of a random entry, but it amused me so:

Yes believe it or not that guy was chosen by "People" magazine as one of the 50 Most Beautiful People in the World. Just not when that photo was taken.

He gained 62 lb for his latest role, playing Mark David Chapman, in Chapter 27 (2007). Then lost the weight by going on an all-liquid diet consisting of lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water. He lost 20 lb in 10 days.
And he's the lead singer in one of my favorite bands '30 Seconds to Mars'

And an actor in one of my favorite films 'Requiem for a Dream'

It's all a bit extreme if you ask me O_o

To say he's odd.. would be an understatement.

I just always find in interesting when you see the same person with a huge transformation.


I've just mirrored all the images here on a faster server so stuff should load nice and fast now.

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Steve Jobs at Home in 1982
"This was a very typical time. I was single. All you needed was a cup of tea, a light, and your stereo, you know, and that's what I had." -- Steve Jobs

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