I used to hate facial hair, but then it grew on me
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Alex Lovett


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Tags: - Photoshop - Rant - Apple
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looks like ebay changed It's logo
its not often companies are this bold



They say it 'reflects a dynamic future' whatever the fuck that means

it feels so boutique now
creative use of color again also, reminds me of past masters in logo design:

And MSFTS 'new' logo, inspired:

It's like a terribly boring conspiracy, the year of the ANTI logo

I still love how deftly MSFT joined the f and the t, it really changes it from just a bunch of letters taken directly from a boring font, and turns it into a work of art, week labouring over the exact shade of grey to infuse the type with.

At least google has a good excuse for having a shit logo, it was free


Lol looks like I'm not alone in making this granted rather obvious connection:

*starts to hyperventilate* *breaks glass and takes an emergency look at the one true logo, one to rule them all*

Yah I'm a fan boi, what evs

Here are some other logo's getter better:

And best logo ever:

What did you see, I saw a temple in front of a big red sun....

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