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Alex Lovett


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Tags: - C4D - Vray
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Just been re-doing a one of my dad's renders. He's good at modeling but rubbish when it comes to materials/rendering etc

My Dad's:

And mine:

Tweaked a few things, moved the cloth about to make it fit the violin better/closer

Some photoshop post work, the usual vignettes, subtle colorization and a central highlight

It still needs some work, but this is totally presentable, I'll keep it on back burner to go back and improve the blue material to be more interesting and photographic like the reference photos here:

And rabbits.. just cus:

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Tags: - C4D - Vray
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I thought this was coming in a future version of Vray but I just found it already has it! Area lights that can use an image as a source, for hemispheric/spherical area lights. Which makes it hella fast to light a scene with an image.

This is what I'm working on right now, Still lots to do, trying to get SSS to behave:

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